Every spring, Jack's preschool participates in this event. Each child is sent home with a pledge sheet that explains the event and how the money raised helps the kids at St Jude. St Jude actually sponsors these events all over the country. Preschools just like Jack's help to raise tremendous amounts of money each year. Hundreds of kids live to play another day after receiving treatment for cancer and other catastrophic diseases at St Jude...just like Jack!
The first year our family participated in this event was the week after Jack was diagnosed with cancer. In fact, he had just had his surgery and was still in the hospital at St Jude. My mom and step-dad took Will to school that day so he could be a part of the special event. They rode in Jack's honor that year and have continued to do so each year since.
It is just another fun event for Jack and he really doesn't think of it as being more special for him. He has no idea just how much small fund raising events like this have helped the doctors and researchers at St Jude discover the best way to treat little boys just like him. He has no idea that 85% of the money raised goes back directly to the hospital to keep families like us from ever having to pay out one penny for the treatment of our children. That is zilch, nada, absolutely nothing...no co-pays...no prescriptions...no deductibles...not even for the cost of a band-aid! St Jude pays for it all!!! They firmly believe that a family should only have to worry about taking care of their children and want the burden of the financial cost to be solely on their shoulders. What an amazing place!!
I am proud to say that since the first year that our preschool has held the event, they have raised over $50,000 for St Jude! Little did we know just 3 short years ago, that our family would understand just how important a simple Trike-a-thon would be! Wow! :)