These days you can purchase kits that have the wood pre-cut and apparently there are many different shapes and styles to choose from. Of course you can still design your own if you want and I bet this is still fun for many dads. Lee, on the other hand, chose the pre-cut is tax season for crying out loud! These pre-cut kits come with all of the parts that a Scout would need to make his very own Derby car. This photo below shows the kit, minus the pre-cut wood...Lee was too quick for me to get the shot of the unopened package.
You still have to sand the car and you paint it whatever color you choose. Will's car was royal blue. Here is the freshly painted car. Nice, huh?
The kit came with stickers, wheels, and metals pieces that resemble exhaust pipes, an engine and the windshield. Everything a Scout could need to create a 1950's looking dragster. Lee worked really hard on it while Will watched!
Here is the finished car.
Here is our Cub Scout with his car on the morning of the race. He was so excited!
These are the cars from all of the Tiger Cubs.
Here is the track. Lee was impressed by it. I had never been to a Pinewood Derby, so I had nothing to compare it too. Definitely a guy thing!
And finally, here is some video from his first race. I'll let see the results for yourself.
There were three races in each round, that way they could give each car the opportunity to change lanes for each race. Will won all three races in the first round! Unfortunately, he only won one race during the next round, but that put him in 2nd place for the Tiger Cubs! Another boy from his Den named Garrett won...he is the Den Leader's son, so I am thinking the race was fixed! Will didn't seem to mind not winning...he just had a great time period! He was also happy when it was over because he could finally play with his car!
I'm sure this will be the beginning of many Pinewood Derbies to come!
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