Now Will is seven and that is even harder for me to believe! He was such a little guy and very content. He didn't fuss much and still doesn't to this day. He was a good sleeper right from the start. He was always a happy baby and very social. He has always loved to learn new things and is still constantly quizzing us. He has a very tender heart. He loves his daddy and wants to grow up to be just like him! He was our first son and we couldn't be more proud of him!
He wanted to have his party at a local theater this year and they saw "Madagascar 2". He was joined by cousins, friends from school, church and Cub Scouts. He had a blast!

On his actual birthday, we took Will and Jack to Chuck E. Cheese. Heather and Andy tagged along too! The kids had so much fun eating pizza and playing all of the games. I think they collected a total of 520 tickets that they traded in for "prizes", in other words junk! Afterwards, we took Will to Target and let him pick out his birthday gifts from us. He chose some Star Wars figures and two ships and a book on how to make paper airplanes. I can't tell you how many paper airplanes I have folded in the past two weeks. :)
You can click on any of these photos to enlarge them.
Will w/the one and only Chuck E. Cheese
See, I told you they were with us!
Jack's favorite "game" ~ I love his eyes in this one!
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